maziar (مزار)
Pronunciation of name maziar

Name MAZIAR (مزار) meaning in Arabic & English

  • Maziar Is A Persian Name For Boys That Means King Of The Mountain,Originally Being The Title Of The King In The Area Of The Maz Mountain In Tabaristan,Persia (Maziar هو اسم فارسي للأولاد يعني ملك الجبل ، وكان في الأصل لقب الملك في منطقة جبل Maz في طبرستان ، بلاد فارس)

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Numerology number of name MAZIAR (مزار) is 7

This is the most accurate and ancient alphabet's number numerology system developed by Chaldean and inspired from Indian Vedic numerology. Another numerology system is Pythagoras. In the Chaldean name numerology, the most popular or well-known names to predict name numbers and Pythagorean Numerology uses birth or legal names to predict name numerology.