simab (سيمب)
Name SIMAB (سيمب) meaning in Arabic & English
- Simab Is A Persian Name For Boys And Girls That Means Mercury,The Liquid Metal Element. In Ancient Times It Was Considered To Have Healing And Beautifying Powers,But In Modern Times It Has Been Discovered To Be A Highly Toxic And Dangerous Chemical (سيماب هو اسم فارسي للأولاد والبنات يعني الزئبق ، العنصر المعدني السائل. )
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Numerology number of name SIMAB (سيمب) is 2
This is the most accurate and ancient alphabet's number numerology system developed by Chaldean and inspired from Indian Vedic numerology. Another numerology system is Pythagoras. In the Chaldean name numerology, the most popular or well-known names to predict name numbers and Pythagorean Numerology uses birth or legal names to predict name numerology.