300+ Popular Female Arabic Names and Meanings Starting with A to Z

300+ Popular Female Arabic Names and Meanings Starting with A to Z

Discover 300+ Popular Female Arabic Names and Meanings

Are you in search of the perfect Arabic name for your baby girl? Look no further!

Below is an extensive list of 300+ popular female Arabic names, starting from A to Z, each with its own unique meaning. These names are inspired by various elements of Arabic culture, including Islamic traditions, historical figures, nature, and virtues. Popular Arabic names for girls are often characterized by their melodious sounds, deep meanings, and rich cultural significance.

Scroll down to explore and find the ideal name for your little princess!

Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
AadabآدابRespect, courtesy
AadilaعادلةJust, fair
AadinaعادنةDelicate, gentle
AaeedahعائدةVisiting, returning
AaeeshaعائشةAlive, living, prosperous
AafiaعافيةHealth, well-being
AafiyahعافيةWell-being, health
AafiyatعافيةComfort, ease
AafreedaعفريدةCreated, produced
AafreenعفرينEncouragement, praise
AaidaعائدةReturness, visitor
AailaعايلاNoble, well-bred
AaimaعائمةLeader, chief
AairaعائرةNoble, respectful
AaishaaعائشةAlive, well-living
AakifahعاكفةDevoted, dedicated
AaliyahعاليةExalted, high-ranking
AishaعائشةAlive, living, prosperous
AmenaآمنةTrustworthy, honest
AmiraأميرةPrincess, leader
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
BadrahبدرةFull moon, beautiful like the moon
BadriyaبدريةResembling the full moon
BaghishaبغيشةClever, sharp-witted
BaharanبهارانSpring-like, blossoming
BahayahبهيةBeautiful, radiant
BaheelaبهيلاIntelligent, wise
BaheenahبهينةDistinct, clear
BaheeraبهيرةDazzling, radiant
BahgatبهجتHappiness, joy
BahiباهيBeautiful, resplendent
BahiaبهيةBeautiful, radiant
BahigaباهجةHappy, joyful
BahijaبهيجةHappy, delightful
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
Celiaسيليا“Heavenly” or “From the sky”
Cynthiaسينثيا“Moon Goddess” or “Moonlight”
Carlaكارلا“Strong” or “Free man”
Camilaكاميلا“Perfect” or “Noble”
Celineسيلين“Heavenly” or “Moon”
Christinaكريستينا“Follower of Christ” or “Anointed”
Clareكلير“Bright” or “Clear”
Chantalشانتال“Song” or “Stony place”
Charifaشريفة“Noble” or “Honorable”
Chahiraشهيرة“Renowned” or “Famous”
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
DaaniaدانيةClose, near
DaarinaداريناKnowing, wise
DafiyaدافيةInnocent, pure
DahahضحاهForenoon, morning
DaibaدائبةRepentant, penitent
DaifaدايفةWarm, welcoming
DaimaدائمةEverlasting, eternal
DaizyديزيVariant of “Daisy,” a flower name
DalalدلالCoquetry, flirtation
DaleelaدليلةGuide, leader
DaliaدالياDahlia flower
DamaliدماليBeautiful vision
DanamirداناميرRays of light
DananirدنانيرCoins, money
DanijahدنيجةResponsible, accountable
DaniyahدانياهClose, intimate
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
EbrahإبراهWise, knowledgeable
EffatعفةChastity, purity
EieshaإيشاWoman, lady
EiliyahإلياA beautiful name, origin uncertain
EimaanإيمانFaith, belief
EllmaإلماElm tree
ElmedinaالمدينةThe city
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
FaarihaفارحةHappy, joyful
FaatinفاطنCharming, captivating
FaatinaفاطنةFascinating, captivating
FadiaفاديةRedeemer, savior
FadilaفاضلةVirtuous, excellent
FadiyahفديهSacrificer, self-sacrificing
FahadaفهدةPrecious, unique
FahamفهمUnderstanding, comprehension
FahdahفهدةLeopardess, female leopard
FahhamaفحامةWise, intelligent
FahimaفهيمةIntelligent, understanding
FahmaraفهمارةIntelligent, wise
FahmeedaفهميدةIntelligent, wise
FahmibفهميبIntelligent, wise
FatimaفاطمةDaughter of the Prophet Muhammad
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
GaetiجيتيA beautiful name, origin uncertain
GakeemahجكيمةWise, intelligent
GalianaجالياناA unique name, meaning is not widely known
GalibaجالبةAttractive, captivating
GamilaجميلةBeautiful, elegant
GardaجاردةGuardian, protector
GazalaجزالةCharming, attractive
GazbiyyahجزبيةAnother variant of “Gazbiyya”
Gelarahجلا رةPrecious, valuable
GhabraغابرةAnother variant of “Ghabra”
GhadiaغديةBright, radiant
GhadirغديرReservoir, pool
GhafiraغافرةAnother variant of “Ghafir”
GhaliyaغاليةPrecious, valuable
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
HaadiyaهاديةGuide, leader
HaafizaحافظةProtector, guardian
HaajarهاجرThe name of Prophet Ibrahim’s wife, Hagar
HababaحبابةA unique name, meaning is not widely known
HabeebaحبيبةBeloved, dear
HabiحابيA unique name, meaning is not widely known
HablahحبلةA unique name, meaning is not widely known
HadeelهديلCooing of pigeons
HadilهادلCooing of pigeons
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
IbratعبرةLesson, moral
IbtihajابتهاجDelight, joy
IffaaعفاPardon, forgiveness
IhkamإحكامFirmness, decisiveness
IkhlasإخلاصSincerity, devotion
ImamaإمامةLeadership, guidance
ImaneإيمانFaith, belief
ImaniإيمانيMy faith, my belief
ImtithalامتثالObedience, compliance
InayaإنعايةCare, concern
IndeelaإنديلاA unique name, meaning is not widely known
InjilaإنجيلةA unique name, meaning is not widely known
IntisarانتصارVictory, triumph
IqalaإقالةA unique name, meaning is not widely known
IrhaaإرهاءA unique name, meaning is not widely known
IrmelaإيرميلاA unique name, meaning is not widely known
IsmetaإسميتةA unique name, meaning is not widely known
IzdiharإزدهارProsperity, flourishing
IzetaإزيتاA unique name, meaning is not widely known
IzzatiإزاتيMy honor, my dignity
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
JabarahجبارةMighty, powerful
JabbجبMountain, hill
JabrayahجبريةConsolation, comfort
JadaجداGift, present
JadeeجاديGenerous, noble
JadidaجديدةNew, fresh
JaedaجاعدةGenerous, benevolent
JahiraجهيرةVivacious, lively
JahmillaجحميلةGraceful, elegant
JaibrianجيبريانTalented, skilled
JaimallaجائمالةHonorable, dignified
JaiminجيمينSuccessful, prosperous
JaiyanaجياناParadise, garden
JakeminaجاكميناTreasure, valuable possession
Jala dewجلا ديوBrightness of the day, radiant
JalbalaجلبالةHappiness, joyfulness
JaleجاليClear, manifest
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
KaamishaكامشةVariant of “Kamisha,” meaning unknown
KaasheenكاشينVariant of “Kasheen,” meaning unknown
KabiraكبيرةGreat, big
KabraكبرةGlory, grandeur
KadejaكديجةUnknown meaning
KadejahكاديجةVariant of “Kadeja,” meaning unknown
KadifaكاديفةVariant of “Kadifa,” meaning unknown
KadijahكديجةVariant of “Kadeja,” meaning unknown
KadiraكاديرةPowerful, strong
KadriyaكدريةVariant of “Kadira,” meaning unknown
KahdijahكهديجةVariant of “Kadeja,” meaning unknown
KaheelaكاحيلاUnknown meaning
KahinaكاهينةProphetess, seer
KahkashanكهقشانGalaxy, universe
KahlelleكهليلةVariant of “Kahlila,” meaning unknown
KahlilaكهليلةGood friend, beloved
KahliliaكهليليةVariant of “Kahlila,” meaning unknown
KaifiyaكيفيةUnknown meaning
KainaكينةBeautiful, lovely
KainaatكائناتUniverse, creation
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
LaaibahلائبةVariant of “Laiba,” meaning gentle, kind
LabeebaلبيبةSensible, intelligent
LafizaلفيظةCharming, captivating
LahifaلهفةLonging, desire
LaibaليبةInnocent, gentle
LaihaليحةGlittering, radiant
LaiqaلاقةIntelligent, witty
LaylaليلىNight, dark beauty
LeilaليلىVariant of “Layla,” meaning night, dark beauty
LylaليلىVariant of “Layla,” meaning night, dark beauty
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
MaabمأبSurname of a famous tribe
MaahjabeenماهجبينForehead like the moon
MaahnoorماحنورRadiant as moonlight
MaajidaماجدةGlorious, illustrious
MaamunaمأمونةSecure, trustworthy
MaaribماربBrave, courageous
MaasmaماسمةBeautiful face
MabilaمابيلاBeautiful, charming
MabrookaمبروكةBlessed, fortunate
MabruraمبرورةPleased, accepted
MadaniyaمدنيةUrban, civil
MadeehaمديحةPraiseworthy, commendable
MaryamمريمMary, mother of Jesus
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
NaadhiraناضرةRare, unique
NaadiaناضيةThe one who calls for help
NaadiraنادرةRare, precious
NaajiaناجيةOne who is saved, safe
NaajidahناجدةBrave, courageous
NaasimaناسمةBreeze, gentle wind
NaasiraناصرةHelper, supporter
NaazimaناظمةOrganized, disciplined
NaaziraناظرةObserver, supervisor
NabeehaنبيهةIntelligent, wise
NabeelaنبيلةNoble, generous
NabijahنبيجةNoble, elevated
NabilaنبيلةNoble, outstanding
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
OadiraعادرةPowerful, mighty
OaisaraعائشةProsperous, successful
OamraعمرةPilgrimage to Mecca
OaythعيثPowerful, strong
ObaidiyahعبيديةServant of God
ObduliaعبداللهServant of God
OhelahعهيلةIntelligent, wise
OmairaعميرةLong-lived, blessed
OmayraعميرةFlourishing, prosperous
OmemaأميمةMotherly, caring
OmniaأمنيةDesire, wish
OmymaأميمةWhole, complete
OneekahونيكةUnique, special
OnekkaونيكةPrecious, beloved
OnsأُنسHappiness, comfort
OnychaأونيكاFragrant, aromatic
OrwiyaعرويةBeautiful, elegant
OsmanعثمانVariant of “Uthman,” meaning “baby bustard” (bird)
OudsiyyaعودسيةMelody, musicality
Ourratulainعرت العينDelight of the eye
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
PakeezahپاکیزہPure, chaste
PaksimaپاکثمہBeautiful, fair lady
PalwashaپلواشهMoon-like, beautiful
PareechehrپریچهرFairy-faced, beautiful
PareesaپریساLike a fairy, enchanting
PareewashپریوشAdorned like a fairy, beautiful
PariپریFairy, beautiful being
ParihanپریهانLike a fairy, charming
ParijanپریجانBeloved like a fairy
ParinazپرینازA beautiful angel
PariwishپریوشLike a fairy, beautiful
ParnazپرنازA beautiful angel
ParveenپروینStar, constellation
ParweenپروینPleiades (a star cluster)
ParyaپاریاLike a fairy, charming
PashaپاشاA title of honor, similar to “lord” or “master”
PerizaadپریزادDescendant of fairies, daughter of fairies
PlwashaپلواشهMoon-like, beautiful
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
QadiraقادرةPowerful, capable
QaraahقرأةRecitation (of the Quran)
QareenahقرينةCompanion, friend
QasoomahقسومةOne who divides or distributes
QateelahقتيلةKiller, warrior
QawiyyahقويةStrong, powerful
QaysaقيسةFirm, determined
QimatقيمتValuable, precious
QiratقرأةRecitation (of the Quran)
QismaقسمةDestiny, fate
QudsiyahقدسيةHoliness, sacredness
Qurratulainقرة العينDelight of the eyes
QusoomahقصومةDetermined, resolute
QutaylahقتيلةKiller, conqueror
QutbقطبAxis, pivot
QutufقطوفPlural of “qatif,” meaning fruits or harvest
QutuzقتزShort and strong sword
QwaiderقويدرA type of wild cat
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
RaabiaرابعةFourth, springtime
RaahiراحيTraveler, wanderer
RaaidaراعدةLeader, guide
RaainaرائنةBeautiful princess
RaameenرامينObedient, submissive
RaanaراناGazing, looking
RaashidaراشدةRighteous, guided
RaawiyaراويةNarrator, storyteller
RaayaرايةFlag, banner
RababربابA musical instrument
RabailرابيلVeil of flowers
RabbabربابA musical instrument, a lute
RabeaربيعةSpring, fourth
RabeeaربيعةGarden, springtime
RabhyaرابحةWinner, gainer
RabihaatرابحاتWinners, gainers
RabitaرابطةConnection, bond
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
SaabiraصابرةPatient, enduring
SaadetسعادةHappiness, bliss
SaadiqaصادقةTruthful, sincere
SaadiyaساديةLucky, fortunate
SaaidaساعدةHelper, supporter
SaaimسائمFasting woman
SaajidaساجدةProstrating, worshiping
SaalihaصالحةRighteous, virtuous
SaalimaسالمةSafe, secure
SaameyahساميةSublime, high
SaarahسارةPrincess, noble lady
SaariyahساريةClouds at night, fast-moving
SaatساعتTime, hour
SabaسبأMorning breeze
SabayaسبياGirls, young women
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
TaadeelتعديلAdjustment, moderation
TaalahتعلهRising, ascending
TaaleaتألهExcellence, superiority
TaaliahتعاليهHigh, exalted
TabaanطبانBright, shining
TabinaتبيناEvident, clear
TaebbaتعبّةPious, devout
TaghridتغريدSinging, chirping
TahajeebتهجيبHonorifics, salutations
TaheeraطاهرةPure, chaste
TaheraطهرةClean, pure
TahiyahتحيةGreeting, salutation
TahiyatتحيةةGreetings, compliments
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
UdaysahأديسةYoung lady, princess
UmaymaأميمةLittle mother, beloved
UmihanaأميحانةOne with a beautiful mind and soul
UswahأسوةExample, model
UzmaأظمىGreatest, most supreme
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
VafaaوفاءFaithful, loyal
VahidaوحيدةUnique, singular
VaniaفانياGod’s gift
VaredaفاريدةUnique, one of a kind
VareeshaفريشةUnique, precious
VaseemaوسيمةBeautiful, elegant
VasilفاصلIndependent, self-reliant
VasiqaواسقةVirtuous, wise
VastiفاستيLove, affection
VidaفداءSacrifice, devotion
VinaفيناLove, affection
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
WadidaوديدةAffectionate, loving
WafaaوفاءFaithfulness, loyalty
WafiqahوفيقةSuccessful, prosperous
WafiyyahوفيّةFaithful, loyal
WaheedaوحيدةUnique, singular
WahibahواهبةGiver, bestower
WahidahواحدةUnique, sole
WajihahوجيهةDistinguished, eminent
WaleeyaوليّةProtector, supporter
WalidahوليدةNewborn, child
WasemeوسيمHandsome, elegant
WasfiaوصفيةDescriptive, characteristic
WasiyaوصيةLast will, testament
WathiqaوثيقةReliable, trustworthy
WijdanوجدانEmotion, sentiment
WisalوصالReunion, meeting
WisamaوسامةHandsome, comely
WordahوردةFlower, rose
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
XaraخاراShining, radiant
XaraaخراءFragrance, perfume
XaynaخينةHospitable, kind
XeenaكينةProud, majestic
XeerحقTruth, right
XemsaخمسةFive, symbolizing the hand
XerxesزركشAncient Persian king
XinaزينةOrnament, beauty
XinaanخنانShelter, protection
XolaخلاHappiness, joy
XomairaزميرةBeautiful voice, melody
XoniaكونياA city in Turkey
XufaخفةLightness, agility
XumayaزميةSkillful, wise
XunaخونةLoyalty, devotion
XurshidخورشيدThe sun, sunlight
XuthraخذرةBrilliant, shining
XyanaكياناExistence, life
XylaكيلةAttractive, elegant
XyraكيرةPrincess, noblewoman
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
YafiيافعYoung, youthful
YaldaيالداLongest night of the year (winter solstice)
YalinaياليناSoft, tender
YameenaيمينةRight hand, blessed
YanaياناPrecious to God
YaqinaيقينةCertainty, conviction
YaqootياقوتRuby, precious stone
YaraياراLittle butterfly
YaraanaيرانةEntertaining, lively
YasbaيسباElegance, gracefulness
YasiraيسيرةEasy, smooth
YasmaيسمىBeautiful, delicate
YasmineياسمينJasmine flower
YumnيمنGood fortune, blessing
YumnaيمنىBlessed, fortunate
YusraيسرىEase, prosperity
Name (English)Name (Arabic)Meaning
ZafirahظفيرةVictorious, successful
ZahraزهراءRadiant, shining, blooming
ZaidaزايدةProsperous, increasing
ZainaزينةBeautiful, adornment
ZalfaزلفىBeautiful, graceful
ZamanزمانTime, age
ZameenaزمينةHealthy, thriving
ZaraزاراPrincess, flower
ZareefaزريفةElegant, dignified
ZayanزيانBeautifier, one who adds beauty
ZaynabزينبFragrant flower, name of the Prophet Muhammad’s daughter
ZeinaزينةGrace, beauty
ZimalزملAny large item of clothing that covers the entire body, like a cloak or a gown
ZiyadahزيادةIncrease, growth
ZohaزهاMorning light
ZoyaزوياAlive, life
ZuhraزهراءVenus, bright star
ZulfaزلفىClose friend

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